Supporting Mental Health
An e-learning programme
14 modules focussed on different conditions that are all designed to improve the awareness and recognition of mental health issues in health, social care, education and industry.

Supporting Mental Health
An e-learning programme
14 modules focussed on different conditions that are all designed to improve the awareness and recognition of mental health issues in health, social care, education and industry.
Why use this resource?
The programme offers an engaging, user friendly overview of a broad range of mental health conditions.
Topics covered include the recognition of signs and symptoms, how to offer support and the impact on families, friends and work or school colleagues of those suffering from a mental health condition.
The programme explores 14 different and often misunderstood mental health conditions, helping to clarify conditions and dispel some of the myths. Certain behaviours resulting from these conditions are explored, with suggestions on potential ways to support individuals and direct them to professional help.
The programme is designed in line with the latest research led evidence base and includes numerous pathways to major mental health professional bodies for further information and reference.
Get this for your organisation
The Supporting Mental Health e-Learning programme can be delivered to your organisation through a variety of methods.
On your system
The eLearning Programme can be added to your local learning management system, including OLM/ESR.
Custom package
Craft your own selection of our Supporting Mental Health modules for your staff education needs.

Get access as an independent user
£7.50 (inc VAT) per module or £60 (inc VAT) for all modules
How it works
Supporting Mental Health allows a flexible approach to learning and is available at your convenience to complete at a pace that suits you and your other work/social commitments.
Have a look at our DEMO MODULE by selecting any condition below.





Borderline Personality Disorder



Eating Disorders



Postnatal Depression


Puerperal Psychosis


Have a look at our DEMO MODULE by selecting any condition below.





Borderline Personality Disorder



Eating Disorders



Postnatal Depression


Puerperal Psychosis


About the author
Matt Tallon, Director of Includingsport Ltd, has a history of working with Mental Health in Mainstream and Special Education, Secure Units, Care Homes and Youth and Community Centres including the elderly and the English F.A. Having co-authored a national qualification to improve mental health awareness with Industry Qualifications (IQ) and holding a UEFA ‘A’ F.A. Coach Educator Licence, he is extremely concerned about the pressures placed on young sports people as well as students in Education.
“I have spent most of my life working in the area of Inclusion. As a young teacher I was aware of the lack of expertise / knowledge shown by those in authority towards Mental Health. When I became more aware myself and strove to make others around me more aware as well, I harboured the idea of producing an introduction to the major conditions impacting on individuals and their family and friends. This programme will not solve societies general lack of respect or willingness to understand conditions but hopefully it will make more people empathise with those experiencing one or more of the 14 conditions explained. I would like to thank OCB Media for the opportunity to produce a series of informative modules that target the average person’s need for knowledge of an area that will impact us all someday”